Even though we have been experiencing some June gloom, summer is upon us. Of course magazines are sporting the usual fresh-faced models clad in maxi dresses with the same bronzers, bejeweled sandals, and pink glosses. While hunting for some inspiration I came across some trends that were new and exciting. Here are a few gems in the midst of the carbon copy summer trends that we see pushed the same time every year.

FISHTAIL BRAIDS-Remember when you were younger and your mom used for braid your hair before you left for school? Well if you do, chances are she might have braided your hair into a fishtail(especially if you survived the eighties). If this was one of the hairstyles you coveted as a child, you are in luck. This trend is making a resurgence on the runway and is the perfect way to keep your hair out of your face while looking fashionable.

24 GLIDE-ON EYE PENCILS by URBAN DECAY- $17/each available at sephora.com
These bright and fun eyeliners are supposed to stay put after applied. Instead of applying these colors on top of your eyelid, try it below. Follow the bottom of your eye from corner to corner for an intense effect.

SHU UEMURA FALSE LASHES (LUXE BROWN)- Available at Nordstroms for $20
Nothing is better than a warm summer night. Generally our summer garb calls for a more easygoing makeup regimen. When going out at night you might want a little glamour but without looking too intense. We all know that extra lashes add some umph. You can take it down a notch by using brown false lashes instead of the typical black ones.

MINT CANDY APPLE NAIL POLISH BY ESSIE-Available at essieshop.com for $8.00
When you think of the quintessential summer colors for nail polish you might think of the pinks, reds and corals. Why not try something different? Besides, this color will look great against your summer tan and stands out amongst it's typical summer color competitors.
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