There is nothing more appealing to me than long lashes. I have always had puny sad lashes that have needed the assistance of lash curlers and mascara to make them look somewhat decent. I have owned a Shu Uemura lash curler ever since I was in junior high and I am pretty sure I have used it almost every day since. When I first heard of lash growth serums I was a little skeptical of the results and possible side effects. However, the temptation lingered until I purchased my first tube of LiLash a couple weeks ago. I had heard about it from a few people and I decided I could no longer wait to have a set of amazingly full lashes. I was on the internet researching LiLash and I noticed they were selling it on Amazon.com for $60.00. The price usually runs for about $140.00. What a score?!? That means I saved $80.00! It was a deal to good to resist. I started it about a week ago but I am supposed to see the results in 4-6 weeks. I checked out some of my concerns online and the company says if you follow instructions there should be no problems. Instead of applying it directly to your lashes you apply it as if your were putting on liquid liner. So now I wait patiently for the lashes I have always dreamed of. I will give an update in a month. Hopefully by then I can throw out my false eyelashes and go o'naturale.